Marigold Flower – Meaning, Symbolism and Colors

Flower symbolism and meaning is interesting and full of fun facts you might never heard of. When you look at a flower you would never think that it can have such an interesting background to it and you can certainly learn a lot about cultures and people who lived next to these flowers and created stories about them.

Flower symbolism dates back hundreds of years and it is something that will exist forever. Ancient cultures used flowers to celebrate important events in their lives and to make these moments even more memorable.

No matter how small a flower is, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a strong symbolic meaning to it. Flowers were used as symbols in art and literature to express people’s deepest and darkest desires and their use is something that is still present today.

Flower’s symbolic meaning can be so deep and meaningful, that an instant glimpse on a certain flower can strike certain reminiscence in our minds. Flowers are also beautiful gifts for the people we love, and they are something that is going to bring up a smile on other people’s faces no matter what is the nature of your relationship with this person.

In today’s text we will be talking about the Marigold flower and its symbolic meaning. This gorgeous flower represents a strong symbol for various things and we will be talking about them today. So, if you ever wanted to know more about the Marigold flower and its symbolism, here is your chance to do that.

Meaning of the Marigold Flower

Every flower has its symbolic meaning and this symbolic meaning is something that was influenced by the stories and events that revolved around certain flower sort. These meanings can come in handy too, when we are choosing the right flower species to gift to someone we care about.

There is an enormous difference between gifting a red rose to someone and a simple field flower. Some symbolical meanings are better known but others not so much. Even though the person you are gifting it to is not going to mind the flower species, but it is always interesting to know more about the world around us.

Despair because of love

  • The beautiful Marigold flower is a symbol of despair, regarding a lost love or being rejected by someone you love. This symbolic meaning is very specific and gifting it to someone you love might send a wrong message. The history behind this symbolic meaning lies in stories and myths that were created around this beautiful flower, and we will mention them later on.

Wanting to be rich

  • The Marigold flower is also a symbol of aspirations pointing towards being rich. This specific desire is something that can be taken seriously by someone who knows this hidden meaning, so make sure you choose the right person to gift this flower to.

Winning affection

  • The beautiful Marigold represents winning affection over someone. When you feel like you have made a connection with someone you like, Marigold flowers might be the perfect gift to tell this person you are thinking about them seriously.

Remembering the dead

  • Besides being linked to love and feelings of sadness, Marigold flower is also a symbol of remembering the dead. Taking Marigold flowers to graves of loved ones is a usual practice and it is being done in many cultures around the world.

Sacred offerings

  • Marigold flowers were also used for sacred offerings, especially in the past. This is why they have a strong spiritual symbolism to them and people respect them because of that even more. This symbolic meaning is linked to the one above.

Functioning relationship

  • When you feel like the things between you and your partner are working perfectly, the Marigold flowers are the way to show it. These gorgeous flowers are going to tell your partner that you are happy with him or her and that things couldn’t be better.

Beauty of the sun

  • Bright and colorful Marigolds are also symbols of the beauty of the sun. Their appearance even resembles the sun and its warm rays and it is certainly a stand-out part of every flower arrangement.

Marigold Flower – Etymological meaning

The Marigold flower is also called Calendula, and this is its scientific name. This name actually means “small clock” and this family of flowers includes a wide variety of different flower sorts. The name Marigold comes from an old story that says how Marigold flowers were used as an offering to the Virgin Mary and thus the symbolical meaning of sacred offerings we mentioned above.

When people didn’t have gold coins to offer to the Virgin, they would offer these bright yellow flowers instead. Specie of Marigolds belongs to the Tagetes family that got their name after the Etruscan prophet Tages. This name is also widely used among people and various cultures.

Marigold Flower – Symbolism

Marigold flowers were used as sacred offerings in many cultures. Some of them include Hindu, Christian, Buddhist and Aztec. The reason why people gifted these beautiful flowers was probably because of their right yellow color and resemblance to gold and the sun. In Pagan religions, Marigold flowers were linked to the powerful strength of the sun because of their bright yellow or orange color. In Victorian era, this beautiful flower was seen as a symbol of despair, grief and they usually took Marigold flowers to graves and cemeteries.

Another Victorian symbolic meaning was a cruel behavior towards someone you love. Mexicans saw the Marigold flower as a symbol of remembering the ones who are no longer with us, especially during the Dia de Muertos or Day of the Dead. During the Middle Ages, the Marigold flower was seen as a charm, and many people carried it in their pockets to attract the person they like. In popular culture, the Marigolds are not seen in such a drastic way and they are usually symbols of positive energy and sun’s energy. Their beautiful color often brightens every flower arrangement and brings a smile to people’s faces.

Marigold Flower – Color meaning

Color of a flower is something that can perfectly compliment the flower’s symbolic meaning but it can also take a lot from it. Flowers come in various colors and depending on their symbolic meaning, this color can either give it just an additional boost in that symbolism or take away from it and make it into something completely different. The Marigold flower comes in three similar colors and all of them remind us of something bright and optimistic.

These colors are:


  • Color yellow symbolizes positive feelings, happiness and joy. The Marigolds flower has its own symbolic meaning and the color yellow certainly complements this symbolism. The symbolic meaning of Marigolds flower is also related to the sun and partly because of its bright and sun-like yellow color.


  • Color orange is also a symbol of positive energy but also a symbol of strong emotions. Everything you are trying to express with the Marigold flower is going to be exemplified with the color orange and made into something even stronger.


  • Red is the color of love, passion and romance and we all known that the Marigold flowers are symbols of love and affection towards someone. The color red goes perfectly with the symbolic meaning of the Marigold flower as well as the color orange. This sunny flower can be a perfect gift for almost anyone you love and you can even make your own home full of positive energy by bringing this gorgeous flower into your home.

Marigold Flower – Botanical facts and characteristics

Marigold is a decorative plant, and dry flower are being increasingly used as a main ingredient for the treatment of mucosal inflammation and epithelial cell renewal and as an antiseptic.It’s a one-year plant. In the fall, the plants dry down without damaging and begin to grow early in the early spring. The root grows deep in the ground and spindles, and grows from it a small fragile stalk of 50-80 cm high. In the upper half they are branched, has light green, and sitting, oblong leaves.

A flower head of 5-10 cm in diameter is formed at the top of each stem. In the center of the flower stem there are tubular fertile flowers, and 2-3 rows are arranged along the edge of the head, the infertile, yellow to the orange blossom petals. The fruit is bruised with a serrated, toothed outer rim, light brown to dark brown. The seed is a dung, 0.5 to 2 cm long. The weight of 1,000 seeds is 4-10 g. The seed germs 5-6 years, and after 4-5 days it goes off. Marigold grows very fast, so the first flowers bloom 40 days after germination and bloom until stronger frosts in the fall. If in July high temperatures suddenly blossom and seed, but with the first rain the plant is renewed. Plants rejuvenate and prolong their lifespan with regular harvesting.

Marigold is not sensitive to drought, he likes a warm climate. On sloping soils rich in humus, cherry blossoms, brown soil and blacks, it gives real yields. Marigold fits well with the plumage, because it is a one-year plant, and on the same soil it sits after two years. Winter deep grousing yields means better yields.

After a mandatory winter plowing, the soil is straightened and crushed in spring to ensure a secure and uniform nesting for a tight planting place.

The yield of the flower buds is negatively influenced by the addition of nitrogen, while phosphorus and potassium improve the yield and quality of the flower. Soil with medium fertilizers do not require fertilization, only autumn fertilization, which should provide about 40-50 kg / ha of nitrogen per hectare, 60-80 kg / ha of phosphorus and 80-100 kg / ha of potassium. Nitrogen fertilizer is only used exceptionally, if it requires improving crop’s condition.

Tanning with weeds is done together with sowing. When the 3-5 right leaves appear, the crop is cut to a distance of 6-8 cm. Depending on the characteristics of the soil and the texture of broad-weed weeds, two to three cultivations should be done.

Young plants are not susceptible to spring frosts, so sowing can be done as early as March, so that flowering can begin as soon as possible. This gives a higher yield per unit area. With the aid of the mechanism of wheat sowing directly, on the 50 cm spacing, in continuous lines, the hay is deepened to 3-4 cm. For 1 ha it is enough to have 5-6 kg of seed. It is also possible to grow plants from roots, but it is economically justified only if grown as an ornamental plant.

In May, when a large number of flower heads blossom, flowering begins. Watering is done manually, best twice a week. Only lathe drying is faster and more economical. The dried shrub is very hygroscopic and immediately after drying it is stored in the sodium sachet and stored in a dry room. The yields are 0.8-1 t of dried heads, or 0.4-0.5 t/ha of the ground. Marigold is a decorative plant, and dry flower is increasingly used as a fatty ingredient for the treatment of mucosal inflammation and epithelial cell renewal and as antiseptic.

The general characteristic of the Marigold is that it quickly grows – for 5 to 6 days so it can be sown in the late spring. And although they say that the Marigold can be sown in the indoor, I did not succeed with the sowing in the pot and therefore Marigold flowers are preferably sown outdoors where they can have a lot of sun.

Traditional gardening tips such as planting Marigold and gardening have the foundation in science as well.

Namely, it is known that the roots of these plants contain phytonicides that reject harmful nematodes in the soil that are fed to the selected roots of planted plants and thereby subdue the necessary nutrients and water, after which the plant is either suffering or is dying.

In order to protect our plants in the garden from soil pests, we can use the values of calendula and squander and plant them as mixed crops with other herbs. Pests will be confused by the smell of Marigolds and will overlook other plants near it in a wide harbor.

Marigold Flower – Secret message

Flower symbolism and meaning is interesting and full of fun facts you might never heard of. When you look at a flower you would never think that it can have such an interesting background to it and you can certainly learn a lot about cultures and people who lived next to these flowers and created stories about them.

Every flower has its symbolic meaning and this symbolic meaning is something that was influenced by the stories and events that revolved around certain flower sort. These meanings can come in handy too, when we are choosing the right flower species to gift to someone we care about.

Just like every flower has its own symbolical meaning, it also hides a secret message just for you to decipher. The Marigold flower is telling you to share the beauty you have inside of you with the world. This bright and bold flower certainly stands out no matter where you see it and it is showing us how to cherish what we have, because there is no one else like us in the world. the beautiful Marigold flowers are symbols of respecting the dead, affection towards someone, feelings of despair and grief but also celebrating love.

The wide variety of symbolism’s this flower has is something extraordinary and it can be prescribed as an effort of the cultures who used to live next to these flwers and created beautiful stories about them.
