Today we talk about one of the most popular cut flowers ever and their meaning, the Rhododendron. If you give away a Rhododendron, it is often part of a bouquet of flowers and the occasion can have a variety of reasons such as love, a wedding or a birthday. A bouquet full of Rhododendron is often a symbol of something positive and so you can give it to anyone compared to roses.
Those who give Rhododendron as a thank-you or simply as a little attention bring the sun from the areas in which they grow with, because this flower enjoys many of the highest popularity and has a thoroughly positive meaning. Regardless of their color, the floral language of the Rhododendron often simply says: “Everything is better with you!”
Rhododendron is one of the most popular ornamental plants in Germany. Most often you discover them as cut flowers in cheerful, colorful bouquets that are given away for joyful occasions: For example, as a birthday, as a thank you or as a souvenir with a family visit.
But also as a houseplant in the pot, the colorful Rhododendron enjoys great popularity. In the apartment, these magnificent flowers thrive even throughout the year.
But how did the Rhododendron make it to the top of the most popular flowers in Germany and what is the significance of giving it away as a gift?
In this article, we would like to provide you with all the important facts about Rhododendron and, above all, shed more light on the significance of this wonderful flower.
What Does the Rhododendron Flower Mean?
In the floral language, the Rhododendron says: “Everything will be better because of you!”. The meaning of the plant depends primarily on the color. But the colorful flowers can also be used in times of sadness. The multi-colored flower is available, for example, in loud and eye-catching tones such as red, yellow and orange.
These colors can be equated with the flower Rhododendron with energy, strength and liveliness. If you wish success or strength to a friend, choose yellow or orange specimens.
The yellow Rhododendron can also occur in the funeral floristry. However, she does not symbolize the mourning, but the positive memory of the deceased. Red is, as so often, associated with passion. However, the intense color also stands for a strong will and sensuality, but is in effect much less meaningful than for example roses. You may also give red Rhododendron to friends without necessarily confessing your love to them, as is usually the case with roses.
As already mentioned the Rhododendron comes from sunny areas and transports this light and heat into a bouquet of flowers. For the wedding, this cut flower is therefore particularly popular because it symbolizes that together everything is even better and you look forward to a common future.
So, their flower is a symbol of love and their meaning for the couple is the same as that of red roses and has a clear message. In fact, we do not have to add anything to that statement anymore.
When it comes to purity, elegance and style, white Rhododendrons are the right choice for the gift bouquet. A soothing meaning have pink or pink specimens. The color purple in turn has dignity and pride to the meaning. If you give away blue plants, you wish the recipient peace and serenity. The green of stems and leaves is the embodiment of happiness and health in Rhododendron. In addition, the color symbolizes nature itself.
The origin of the Rhododendron flower is in Africa and Asia. Most species come from South Africa, Madagascar and the tropical regions of Asia. Meanwhile, there are many breeds, which are crossed mainly from South African species and Rhododendron jamesonii.
Etymological Meaning of the Rhododendron Flower
Rhododendron comes from the Greek word “rhodon” which means “Rose” and “Greek” word “Dendro” which means tree. The name was derived from the Rose-like flower that grew as a small bush.
Symbolism of the Rhododendron Flower
As already mentioned the Rhododendron comes from sunny areas and transports this light and heat into a bouquet of flowers. For the wedding, this cut flower is therefore particularly popular because it symbolizes that together everything is even better and you look forward to a common future.
So, their flower is a symbol of love and their meaning for the couple is the same as that of red roses and has a clear message. In fact, we do not have to add anything to that statement anymore.
I hope I could answer all or at least some questions you had about the importance of Rhododendron and you know exactly what to look for when buying. The Rhododendron is a beautiful flower to give away and always carries a positive message. She is also a very popular tattoo and speaks a very specific language.
Anyone who lets the cut flower sting as a tattoo hopefully knows exactly what the colorful flower means. With the Rhododendron flower everything becomes more beautiful and so wearers of these tattoos are absolute optimists and spread good humor among their fellow human beings. Rhododendron tattoo porters are therefore always positive through life and cannot be beaten down.
The Rhododendron Flower Facts
Like many ornamental and cut flowers, Rhododendron belongs to the so-called daisy family. Originally from Asia or South Africa, it usually blooms from April to September. In nature, there are about 30 different species of Rhododendron, whose color spectrum includes both white and soft pink, deep red, bright orange and bright yellow.
By breeding the plant, however, numerous other species have emerged, some of which bring fascinating color nuances, gradients and mixtures of different varieties. The discoverer and namesake of the Rhododendron was incidentally the Dutchman Jan Frederik Gronovius, who described the flower in 1737 in memory of the physician and botanist Traugott Gerber. But even before 1737, the Rhododendron was known in some parts of the world, but until then still under the name “African Aster”.
Also as a cut flower in the bouquet or individually in a vase, the Rhododendron makes a great deal with its broad, colorful flowers. However, if the stalk of the flower is too deep in the water, it can soften slightly and the flower gets in trouble to properly absorb the water. If the case has already occurred, the flower stalk should be shortened with a sharp knife and a slightly slanted cut.
It is best to avoid softening the stem by filling the vase with water only about one to two centimeters high.
However, the water level should then be checked daily and the water itself replaced regularly so that the flower can be sufficiently supplied with nutrients.
Incidentally, the first specimen that made its way to Europe was a pressed Rhododendron flower, which was sent to the royal court in 1886 in Kew, near London. In 1888, the first living plants arrived in London and a year later the Rhododendron was introduced to the public. In 1893, the first Rhododendron plant was cultivated in Germany in the city of Erfurt by the two botanists Schmidt and Haage. This is how the success of the Rhododendron in Europe, which continues to this day, began.
Like most flowers, Rhododendron can have different meanings. However, the general meaning of the Rhododendron is a simple but heartfelt compliment: “You make everything much nicer!” Says the cheerful colorful plant in the language of flowers. It stands for sincerity, appreciation and the confession of friendship. It radiates positive energy and is thus the symbol of the people who cheer their environment by their own positive nature.
The Rhododendron may incidentally without risking any ambiguity to be given to a dear neighbor – because even if now and then a Rhododendron bouquet for Valentine’s Day or a first date is given away, the Rhododendron is primarily for relationships but the platonic nature.
Meaningful Botanical Characteristics of the Rhododendron Flower
Rhododendron is flowers that like to be pampered by the sun. This applies to both Rhododendron as cut flowers, as well as those that have been cultivated as a houseplant in the pot. However, the Rhododendron does not like high temperatures so much.
Therefore, you should always make sure that the room in which the Rhododendron has its location is always well ventilated, or the air in the room does not dry out or even stands.
By the way, in the summer the Rhododendron may also like to move outside, for example to the balcony or the terrace. The blazing midday sun should be avoided, however, for the demanding little plant. When it comes to irrigation, the Rhododendron wants regular meals. The soil in the pot should never dry out completely. The addition of some liquid fertilizer in the water also gets the Rhododendron very well and helps the plant to bloom long and extensively and to enrich the living space around them with their beauty.
Also as a cut flower in the bouquet or individually in a vase, the Rhododendron makes a great deal with its broad, colorful flowers. However, if the stalk of the flower is too deep in the water, it can soften slightly and the flower gets in trouble to properly absorb the water. If the case has already occurred, the flower stalk should be shortened with a sharp knife and a slightly slanted cut. It is best to avoid softening the stem by filling the vase with water only about one to two centimeters high.
However, the water level should then be checked daily and the water itself replaced regularly so that the flower can be sufficiently supplied with nutrients.
Rhododendron Flower Color Meanings
Of course, the colors of the Rhododendron that you give away also symbolize your own floral language, depending on the occasion, and you should pay special attention to the following colors. We have just talked about the fact that the Rhododendron can actually be given away for any occasion and it does not matter whether grandmother, mother or girlfriend is presented.
Let’s go back to the red Rhododendron, symbolizing love more and more. Those who want to encourage someone and want him a lot of strength best give away orange Rhododendron, because they symbolize strength and liveliness.
The bouquet of Rhododendron can of course also be combined with other orange flowers without losing its symbol. Similar in color but quite different in meaning is the yellow Rhododendron. It is often used in funeral floristry and is a symbol of the happy moments spent with the deceased.
Rhododendron are very versatile in their meaning and so we now know that they can stand for love and loyalty and no matter what color, whether red, white, orange, yellow or pink, the language of Rhododendron is consistently positive and they are ideal as a gift suitable.
Of course, the meaning of Rhododendron – depending on the flower color – varies. This is mainly due to the fact that the coloring of a flower is taken on its own also a symbolism that partially mixed with the importance of the flower variety.
Thus, red Rhododendron have become established as little messengers of love and stand, like the rose, for affection and deep feelings. This can be the love between two partners or the love between family members. For example, red Rhododendron can also be given away on Mother’s Day. Pink Rhododendron; on the other hand, are regarded as a little attention among good friends.
Orange Rhododendron is real uniqueness. They radiate strength, vitality and warmth, which is why their sight on many people is uplifting and motivating. Orange Rhododendron is therefore also the ideal flowers if you want to wish a friend or a friend success and strength for a test lying in front of the one. In this case, the orange flowers may also be combined with yellow Rhododendron.
With the latter, by the way, caution is advised, because yellow Rhododendron has two very different meanings. On the one hand, they stand for sunny emotions and cheerfulness, but on the other hand they also appear in the funeral floristry. Unlike white lilies, for example, they do not symbolize the mourning for the deceased, but rather the positive memory of it as well as the memory of the happy moments with the deceased.
The Rhododendron Flower Message Is
Rhododendron meaning: “You make everything much more beautiful!”